Future Caledon: Our Official Plan

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Project Updates

Future Caledon - Our Official Plan has been adopted by Council. At the Council Meeting on March 26, 2024, Council advanced the Official Plan to help shape the future Caledon wants to see for the next 30 years. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing is the approver for the Future Caledon Official Plan and the ERO consultation is now closed. Any status updates will be posted as available.

More information on the Peel 2051 Official Plan.

Growth Management and Phasing Plan

Council supported a Growth Management and Phasing Plan Report and Addendum Report for growth to 2051. An amendment to the Future Caledon Official Plan was brought to a public meeting on March 4, 2025. A recommendation will be brought to Council as soon as possible.

Future Caledon supporting materials:

Bolton Secondary Plans

More information available here.

Official Plan Phasing

The new Official Plan will be implemented in three phases – replacing the existing plan.

  • The adopted Plan provides the Phase 1 framework and policies to guide development and decision making to 2051. The updated town structure is supported by town-wide policies and policies for three defining systems: the Environment and Open Space System, the Rural System, and the Urban System
  • The Urban System includes over 4,000 hectares of new urban area in south Caledon to be developed as new community and employment areas over the next 30 years. Future secondary plans will provide detailed policies for those areas.
  • Phases 2 and 3 of the Official Plan Review will add:
    • more new policies as studies are completed about growth management, major transit station areas, mineral aggregate resources, and truck parking and goods movement
    • updated policies for the Town’s existing secondary plan areas - until then, those areas would remain subject to the existing Town of Caledon Official Plan

Phasing Approach


February 2024 Draft Future Caledon Official Plan

Third draft of the Future Caledon Official Plan

Second draft of the Future Caledon Official Plan

First draft of the Future Caledon Official Plan

Future Caledon: Five Focus Areas

1.Natural Resources and Agriculture

2.Tourism, Heritage, Healthy Communities and Culture

3.Transportation, Technology and Infrastructure

4.Growth, Settlement, Housing and Employment

5.Climate Change

Project Updates

Future Caledon - Our Official Plan has been adopted by Council. At the Council Meeting on March 26, 2024, Council advanced the Official Plan to help shape the future Caledon wants to see for the next 30 years. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing is the approver for the Future Caledon Official Plan and the ERO consultation is now closed. Any status updates will be posted as available.

More information on the Peel 2051 Official Plan.

Growth Management and Phasing Plan

Council supported a Growth Management and Phasing Plan Report and Addendum Report for growth to 2051. An amendment to the Future Caledon Official Plan was brought to a public meeting on March 4, 2025. A recommendation will be brought to Council as soon as possible.

Future Caledon supporting materials:

Bolton Secondary Plans

More information available here.

Official Plan Phasing

The new Official Plan will be implemented in three phases – replacing the existing plan.

  • The adopted Plan provides the Phase 1 framework and policies to guide development and decision making to 2051. The updated town structure is supported by town-wide policies and policies for three defining systems: the Environment and Open Space System, the Rural System, and the Urban System
  • The Urban System includes over 4,000 hectares of new urban area in south Caledon to be developed as new community and employment areas over the next 30 years. Future secondary plans will provide detailed policies for those areas.
  • Phases 2 and 3 of the Official Plan Review will add:
    • more new policies as studies are completed about growth management, major transit station areas, mineral aggregate resources, and truck parking and goods movement
    • updated policies for the Town’s existing secondary plan areas - until then, those areas would remain subject to the existing Town of Caledon Official Plan

Phasing Approach


February 2024 Draft Future Caledon Official Plan

Third draft of the Future Caledon Official Plan

Second draft of the Future Caledon Official Plan

First draft of the Future Caledon Official Plan

Future Caledon: Five Focus Areas

1.Natural Resources and Agriculture

2.Tourism, Heritage, Healthy Communities and Culture

3.Transportation, Technology and Infrastructure

4.Growth, Settlement, Housing and Employment

5.Climate Change

Tell your story

As we set out to develop our Official Plan to guide Caledon's next evolution it is important that we recognize our unique character as a Town and build from our Town's features that make it a great place to live. We want to hear from you about what matters to you most in Caledon. 

Please use this space to share your stories of what makes Caledon special to you. Are there unique places in the Town you hold dear? Have you had exceptional experiences with fellow residents? Are there any other features of Caledon that you find important and want to share? 

Thank you for taking some time to share your stories of what makes Caledon special to you. We hope you will come back and take some time to read other's stories and participate in future engagement activities. 

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

  • Share Transportation and Infrastructure/Housing Development on Facebook Share Transportation and Infrastructure/Housing Development on Twitter Share Transportation and Infrastructure/Housing Development on Linkedin Email Transportation and Infrastructure/Housing Development link

    Transportation and Infrastructure/Housing Development

    by PARMJIT GILL, about 4 years ago

    I am writing this email to include a specific property to be added to the Official Plan Review requested to be included in a settlement area through the Region’s process. This can be used as a transportation terminal for truck parking and maximize the use of existing transportation infrastructure to ensure feasibility while keeping people and goods moving safe and efficiently via 0 Hurontario Street a provincial highway. This property is currently zoned as A1-Agricultural with 11.55 acres in total and roughly 2.5 acres backing onto forestry. This is situated on Prime Agricultural Land within the Greenbelt Area, situated north... Continue reading

  • Share In Sympathy with Built Environment and in Harmony With the Natural One on Facebook Share In Sympathy with Built Environment and in Harmony With the Natural One on Twitter Share In Sympathy with Built Environment and in Harmony With the Natural One on Linkedin Email In Sympathy with Built Environment and in Harmony With the Natural One link

    In Sympathy with Built Environment and in Harmony With the Natural One

    by BobWaldon, about 5 years ago

    Something that both new and long term residents of Caledon could agree on is protecting the environment. To me that means both the natural and the human, or built, environments.

    Having GOALS ("what") and OBJECTIVES ("how") to protect the environment should be a very clear part of the Official Plan. There's a danger of Goals and Objectives becoming obscured through an official plan's complexity in its requirement to conform with provincial and regional policies and technical elements that - to many (most?) of us "folks" - seem far removed from our day to day lives.

    Please be very clear in... Continue reading

Page last updated: 18 Mar 2025, 12:17 PM