Caledon Budget 2023

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Consultation has concluded

Town of Caledon budget will be finalized at the February 28 Council meeting.


February 28, 2023 7 p.m.


The meeting is a hybrid meeting, members of the public have the option of participating in-person in Council Chamber at Town Hall or remotely. For full details, visit

Watch the 2023 Budget video to learn more about how we’re building on success to create a budget that balances the needs of our growing community with pressures of the current economy.

View the proposed 2023 Budget

Caledon growth 

The Province and the Region have identified Caledon as a

Town of Caledon budget will be finalized at the February 28 Council meeting.


February 28, 2023 7 p.m.


The meeting is a hybrid meeting, members of the public have the option of participating in-person in Council Chamber at Town Hall or remotely. For full details, visit

Watch the 2023 Budget video to learn more about how we’re building on success to create a budget that balances the needs of our growing community with pressures of the current economy.

View the proposed 2023 Budget

Caledon growth 

The Province and the Region have identified Caledon as a major area of growth – we continue to work on planning for a prosperous and sustainable Caledon.

Community needs 

The Town continues to respond to community needs by increasing resources for, but not limited to:

  • Parks and recreation facilities

  • Growth management

  • Age-friendly programming and support

  • Energy and environment

  • Transportation

  • Fire and Emergency Services

Be sure to register to receive updates and important announcements.

This budget survey will inform the 2023 budget process, as well as future strategic planning initiatives. For more information about the strategic plan, contact Rebecca Carvalho at

Consultation has concluded

Developing the annual budget often involves many steps.

We understand that you may have questions about how decisions are made. And we’re happy to answer them.

Check out the FAQs to the right. Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Post your question here. We will do our best to respond back to as many questions as we can within two to three business days. If the question requires input from other departments it might take a bit longer.

If we notice similar questions being asked, we’ll respond with one reply. Be sure to check what’s been asked and answered before submitting your question – there might already be a similar response. Inappropriate questions will not be answered and will be deleted.

The Q & A section will be open until January 21, 2023. 

  • Share Hello! VICTORIA PARK!!!! As a community and on behalf of my fellow neighbors-.we are thrilled to see Victoria Park on the improvement list for 2023 budget. Please note that this park has the potential to be a staple to this community based on its location, huge land space and most importantly- the peaceful, safe cul-de-sac street. I have communicated with many staff members already regarding this park and would like to be included in as much information as possible. Please advise how and what I may do personally to ensure this park receives the attention it deserves. The opportunity with this park is endless.. please let me know what can be done to make this park all it can be. Dates? Drawings? Anything? Hoping to hear back soon! Thanks again! Sincerely, Grace - resident on Victoria Cres on Facebook Share Hello! VICTORIA PARK!!!! As a community and on behalf of my fellow neighbors-.we are thrilled to see Victoria Park on the improvement list for 2023 budget. Please note that this park has the potential to be a staple to this community based on its location, huge land space and most importantly- the peaceful, safe cul-de-sac street. I have communicated with many staff members already regarding this park and would like to be included in as much information as possible. Please advise how and what I may do personally to ensure this park receives the attention it deserves. The opportunity with this park is endless.. please let me know what can be done to make this park all it can be. Dates? Drawings? Anything? Hoping to hear back soon! Thanks again! Sincerely, Grace - resident on Victoria Cres on Twitter Share Hello! VICTORIA PARK!!!! As a community and on behalf of my fellow neighbors-.we are thrilled to see Victoria Park on the improvement list for 2023 budget. Please note that this park has the potential to be a staple to this community based on its location, huge land space and most importantly- the peaceful, safe cul-de-sac street. I have communicated with many staff members already regarding this park and would like to be included in as much information as possible. Please advise how and what I may do personally to ensure this park receives the attention it deserves. The opportunity with this park is endless.. please let me know what can be done to make this park all it can be. Dates? Drawings? Anything? Hoping to hear back soon! Thanks again! Sincerely, Grace - resident on Victoria Cres on Linkedin Email Hello! VICTORIA PARK!!!! As a community and on behalf of my fellow neighbors-.we are thrilled to see Victoria Park on the improvement list for 2023 budget. Please note that this park has the potential to be a staple to this community based on its location, huge land space and most importantly- the peaceful, safe cul-de-sac street. I have communicated with many staff members already regarding this park and would like to be included in as much information as possible. Please advise how and what I may do personally to ensure this park receives the attention it deserves. The opportunity with this park is endless.. please let me know what can be done to make this park all it can be. Dates? Drawings? Anything? Hoping to hear back soon! Thanks again! Sincerely, Grace - resident on Victoria Cres link

    Hello! VICTORIA PARK!!!! As a community and on behalf of my fellow neighbors-.we are thrilled to see Victoria Park on the improvement list for 2023 budget. Please note that this park has the potential to be a staple to this community based on its location, huge land space and most importantly- the peaceful, safe cul-de-sac street. I have communicated with many staff members already regarding this park and would like to be included in as much information as possible. Please advise how and what I may do personally to ensure this park receives the attention it deserves. The opportunity with this park is endless.. please let me know what can be done to make this park all it can be. Dates? Drawings? Anything? Hoping to hear back soon! Thanks again! Sincerely, Grace - resident on Victoria Cres

    Gracieee asked about 2 years ago

    There is an opportunity to provide her input about Victoria Park through the community engagement for the Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan process in 2023. A new webpage for this project is scheduled to be launched in February and public open house for each ward is being scheduled in March. Residents will be able to receive information and provide their input directly on the webpage and by attending the public open house.

  • Share Please advise the plans for Southfields village in terms of parks and traffic control. on Facebook Share Please advise the plans for Southfields village in terms of parks and traffic control. on Twitter Share Please advise the plans for Southfields village in terms of parks and traffic control. on Linkedin Email Please advise the plans for Southfields village in terms of parks and traffic control. link

    Please advise the plans for Southfields village in terms of parks and traffic control.

    Sanjeev Sharda asked about 2 years ago

    Staff has revised the proposed park layout for Southfields Community Park based on the input received through community engagement on Have Your Say Caledon (HYSC) and a revised plan will be posted on HYSC along with the survey results in February 2023. Parks staff are considering including a raised crosswalk as part of the construction of the park due to potential increase in pedestrian activity at the intersection of Sparrowbrook and Dotchson. In addition to the raised crosswalk, Engineering Services will run an All-Way stop warrant analysis for the intersection of Sparrowbrook and Dotchson and assess the speeding along the road.

  • Share When I get the property taxes invoice 2023 on Facebook Share When I get the property taxes invoice 2023 on Twitter Share When I get the property taxes invoice 2023 on Linkedin Email When I get the property taxes invoice 2023 link

    When I get the property taxes invoice 2023

    Baldev Singh asked about 2 years ago

    For 2023, the interim tax bill will be sent out in February 2023 and the final tax bill will be sent out in June 2023.

  • Share The question regarding topsoil was not answered. The Fill-By law is to "support the farming community by the utilization of fill material to improve the agricultural viability of farmlands. Why are trucks with permits from the town containing this topsoil the only trucks that pay this fee? In addition, they pay a tipping fee which in effect is double dipping by the town. Why are these fees in excess of costs incurred by the town and charges by neighboring municipalities? on Facebook Share The question regarding topsoil was not answered. The Fill-By law is to "support the farming community by the utilization of fill material to improve the agricultural viability of farmlands. Why are trucks with permits from the town containing this topsoil the only trucks that pay this fee? In addition, they pay a tipping fee which in effect is double dipping by the town. Why are these fees in excess of costs incurred by the town and charges by neighboring municipalities? on Twitter Share The question regarding topsoil was not answered. The Fill-By law is to "support the farming community by the utilization of fill material to improve the agricultural viability of farmlands. Why are trucks with permits from the town containing this topsoil the only trucks that pay this fee? In addition, they pay a tipping fee which in effect is double dipping by the town. Why are these fees in excess of costs incurred by the town and charges by neighboring municipalities? on Linkedin Email The question regarding topsoil was not answered. The Fill-By law is to "support the farming community by the utilization of fill material to improve the agricultural viability of farmlands. Why are trucks with permits from the town containing this topsoil the only trucks that pay this fee? In addition, they pay a tipping fee which in effect is double dipping by the town. Why are these fees in excess of costs incurred by the town and charges by neighboring municipalities? link

    The question regarding topsoil was not answered. The Fill-By law is to "support the farming community by the utilization of fill material to improve the agricultural viability of farmlands. Why are trucks with permits from the town containing this topsoil the only trucks that pay this fee? In addition, they pay a tipping fee which in effect is double dipping by the town. Why are these fees in excess of costs incurred by the town and charges by neighboring municipalities?

    forksofthecredit asked about 2 years ago

    Thank you for the follow up question. There are many Region of Peel Roads in Caledon used for travel by neighboring cities. The Town fill by-law fee is a Town of Caledon charge for town local services and roads to recover costs. The tipping fee is a Region of Peel facility service charge.   Your question may be referring to the heavy truck use fee.  There are two fees associated with this approval, a load fee (which is a Council approved calculation in the fees bylaw).  This amount is placed in a reserve fund because heavy truck use lessens the lifespan of the town road and these funds assist with major repairs or earlier reconstruction costs.  The second fee is securities.  This amount is based on the total number of anticipated loads.  This amount is held until heavy truck use is completed and road is inspected.  If no damages occur as a direct result from the heavy truck use, then securities are returned to the applicant in full.  If road damage has occurred, the Town draws on the securities for repairs and returns any balance left.  

  • Share When will town extend bylaw enforcement hours, cannot get a hold of anyone after business hours . Infractions typically take place after business hours and not enough bylaw enforcement to south Caledon. on Facebook Share When will town extend bylaw enforcement hours, cannot get a hold of anyone after business hours . Infractions typically take place after business hours and not enough bylaw enforcement to south Caledon. on Twitter Share When will town extend bylaw enforcement hours, cannot get a hold of anyone after business hours . Infractions typically take place after business hours and not enough bylaw enforcement to south Caledon. on Linkedin Email When will town extend bylaw enforcement hours, cannot get a hold of anyone after business hours . Infractions typically take place after business hours and not enough bylaw enforcement to south Caledon. link

    When will town extend bylaw enforcement hours, cannot get a hold of anyone after business hours . Infractions typically take place after business hours and not enough bylaw enforcement to south Caledon.

    Corvettedoug asked about 2 years ago

    Thank you for the feedback. We will share the interest in more after business hours enforcement.

  • Share I read that an online question and answer about the budget is open on this site until February 20th. Where is this accessible on this site? on Facebook Share I read that an online question and answer about the budget is open on this site until February 20th. Where is this accessible on this site? on Twitter Share I read that an online question and answer about the budget is open on this site until February 20th. Where is this accessible on this site? on Linkedin Email I read that an online question and answer about the budget is open on this site until February 20th. Where is this accessible on this site? link

    I read that an online question and answer about the budget is open on this site until February 20th. Where is this accessible on this site?

    MichaelOswald asked about 2 years ago

    Questions can be posted here and additionally Budget deliberations are scheduled for February 14  at 2:30 p.m.

  • Share Why do trucks delivering topsoil to farmers in accordance with the fill bylaw have to pay to use Caledon roads both when delivering and leaving empty when no other truck has to pay? This is in addition to a tipping fee. These fees are not revenue neutral but punative. on Facebook Share Why do trucks delivering topsoil to farmers in accordance with the fill bylaw have to pay to use Caledon roads both when delivering and leaving empty when no other truck has to pay? This is in addition to a tipping fee. These fees are not revenue neutral but punative. on Twitter Share Why do trucks delivering topsoil to farmers in accordance with the fill bylaw have to pay to use Caledon roads both when delivering and leaving empty when no other truck has to pay? This is in addition to a tipping fee. These fees are not revenue neutral but punative. on Linkedin Email Why do trucks delivering topsoil to farmers in accordance with the fill bylaw have to pay to use Caledon roads both when delivering and leaving empty when no other truck has to pay? This is in addition to a tipping fee. These fees are not revenue neutral but punative. link

    Why do trucks delivering topsoil to farmers in accordance with the fill bylaw have to pay to use Caledon roads both when delivering and leaving empty when no other truck has to pay? This is in addition to a tipping fee. These fees are not revenue neutral but punative.

    forksofthecredit asked over 2 years ago

    Thank you for your question. The by-law is to protect natural features, prevent fill with hazardous materials and manage how residents are affected.

  • Share I clicked on Jan 3 - proposed budget released, and did not get any budget data. Obviously I was too late for the survey ( sorry - I was working on the front lines during the holidays). I hoped to at least see the proposed budget, and how it compared to last year's budget & actuals. on Facebook Share I clicked on Jan 3 - proposed budget released, and did not get any budget data. Obviously I was too late for the survey ( sorry - I was working on the front lines during the holidays). I hoped to at least see the proposed budget, and how it compared to last year's budget & actuals. on Twitter Share I clicked on Jan 3 - proposed budget released, and did not get any budget data. Obviously I was too late for the survey ( sorry - I was working on the front lines during the holidays). I hoped to at least see the proposed budget, and how it compared to last year's budget & actuals. on Linkedin Email I clicked on Jan 3 - proposed budget released, and did not get any budget data. Obviously I was too late for the survey ( sorry - I was working on the front lines during the holidays). I hoped to at least see the proposed budget, and how it compared to last year's budget & actuals. link

    I clicked on Jan 3 - proposed budget released, and did not get any budget data. Obviously I was too late for the survey ( sorry - I was working on the front lines during the holidays). I hoped to at least see the proposed budget, and how it compared to last year's budget & actuals.

    caledoneastresident asked about 2 years ago

    Good day

    Staff will present an overview of the 2023 Town of Caledon budget at the January 10, 2023 General Committee meeting. View the proposed 2023 Budget. 

    When: January 10, 2023 at 2:30 p.m.


    The meeting is a hybrid meeting, members of the public have the option of participating in-person in Council Chamber at Town Hall or remotely. For full details, visit

    Watch the 2023 Budget video to learn more about how we’re building on success to create a budget that balances the needs of our growing community with pressures of the current economy.